The LDS is designed to be an interactive learning experience, with a focus on relationship-
oriented leadership and mentoring. If the test of leadership is to look around and see who is following, we need to know how to inspire “followership!” You will discover how God has shaped you as a leader and how he wants to develop you in the future. With that
understanding, you will then have some keys to developing and mentoring others. We will also be looking at issues specific to our African context and designing the content
and style of the course with Africa in mind and with a view to seeing transformation take
place in the continent through relational leadership.
Subjects and basic skills to be learned will include:
• Shaped for significance – understanding your gifts and calling as a leader
• Living in integrity – character formation for the leader
• Leadership formation – the stages of growth in a leader’s life
• Personal identity – wholeness and healing for every stage of life
• Practical mentoring and coaching – modelled and experienced
• Spiritual leadership – not head only, but from the heart.
• Developing vision and values – writing your personal direction statements and ministry
• Team leadership – why it is vital, and how to make it work, overcoming dysfunctions
• Self leadership – learning to lead yourself with clear priorities, goals, stress
management, margins
• Conflict resolution – living in harmony and unity
• Debriefing – understanding your leadership journey and helping others understand
• Vision, change and organisational development
Dates: The Training Seminar will run from 20th to 26th November in YWAM Tema, Accra.
Seminar Fee: The cost for the week-long seminar will be $50 (US Dollars). This will cover all lodging, food, course materials and activities. The course will be in English only.

Is the LDS for you?
Some questions to help you: Are you moving through transitions without difficulty? Are you clear about your future ministry? Does your leadership have an emphasis on developing people? Are you really investing in potential leaders on your base or team? Do you have mentoring relationships at this time? Do you have a clear model for mentoring others? Are you still growing in your faith and in your leadership or have you plateaued? The LDS is most definitely for you! Quickly download the registration form, fill it, and send it back to us at ywamtema@gmail.com not later than 15th of November, 2022. You can also reach us on Call via +233244387123, or whatsapp us on +233542855620